Lawyer on Air podcast

WELCOME TO THE Lawyer on air podcast

Where I pour you a glass of wine at my favorite virtual wine bar in Tokyo while you listen to inspirational inside stories from my guests. We relax and talk about what it’s like in life, and in the law, for women lawyers in Japan.


Navigating your legal career

Leadership in law

Life as a woman lawyer

Podcast Accolades

Best Podcast by a Kiwi Abroad | Bronze Award

2021 Quill Podcast Awards Nominee

2022 Quill Podcast Awards Nominee

Lawyer on Air is produced by award winning Jayne Nakata of PodLaunch with Jayne, winner of the BCCJ BBA Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2022.

Our special thanks to Kristen McQuillin for the design of our Lawyer on Air podcast logo! 

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