The Catherine O’Connell blog

Keep up with the latest news about doing business in Japan on the Catherine O’Connell Blog!

Lawyer on Air Podcast celebrates the FIRST BIRTHDAY!
Catherine O'Connell Catherine O'Connell

Lawyer on Air Podcast celebrates the FIRST BIRTHDAY!

"The risk of taking a leap forward is daunting, but not as daunting as staying in the same place! Remember, you never regret trying!" … So here I am, 1 year after taking that leap forward! Today, I'm celebrating the 1st Birthday of the #LawyeronAir Podcast which launched on #internationalwomensday, March 8th, 2021.

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Tackling Law, Entrepreneurship, and a Purposeful Life in Japan - an interview on Business Success Japan Podcast
Catherine O'Connell Catherine O'Connell

Tackling Law, Entrepreneurship, and a Purposeful Life in Japan - an interview on Business Success Japan Podcast

I had a lot of fun talking openly with Lydia Beukelman on the Busines Success Japan podcast, about the big-picture differences between law in Japan versus many western countries, what it takes to start a business and find success as an entrepreneur in Japan,and how to I try to maintain curiosity no matter how long I stay here and what crosses my path (like a pandemic!) and why that is important. Listen to hear the insights!

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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
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