Gold Medal 🥇Legal Checklist for Startups - FEW Career Strategies Seminar 2020 presentation
⚠️ One of the most common mistakes #startups make is not seeking #legaladvice when founding their company. For those exploring the idea of a business start-up, don't miss my🔹🔸Ten-Step Gold Medal 🥇Legal Checklist for Starting a Business in Japan🔸🔹 at the FEW Career Strategies Seminar (online): 17 October, with my session starting from 11:50am.
Line up of speakers here
🔴 Not a member of FEW JAPAN? You can join via their website. Fabulous events and a great range of speakers lined up for the #careerstrategiesseminar2020 and for the 2020-2021 calendar