Catherine’s Monthly Wrap Up - June 2024

Welcome to the JUNE edition of my blog!

As I write, it's not just raining; it's an exuberant downpour! Yes, we’re deep in the rainy season in Japan, and while some might groan, I absolutely relish it. There's something magical about listening to the symphony of raindrops drumming on the lush leaves outside my window, each drop nurturing the rice paddies that really do stitch the beautiful Japanese landscape together like a patchwork quilt.

Meanwhile, back in New Zealand, they are celebrating Matariki, the Maori New Year. It’s a special time to honour our past and leap with excitement into the future. 

This June has been nothing short of spectacular, filled with moments like MCing at the New Zealand Prime Minister’s luncheon event, where I got to meet two iconic All Blacks legends! 

Plus, I attended my first Women in Law Japan event not as President but as a proud observer, marvelling at how the seeds I planted during my tenure blossomed into an incredible gathering.

So, with the spirit of Matariki in my heart, and a deep sense of gratitude for the paths forged by my ancestors, I'm thrilled to share the adventures of this past month with you.

Let’s dive into the highlights from June!

  1. MC-ing the Sports and Business Lunch with PM Christopher Luxon: 

One of the most exhilarating highlights of my month—and undoubtedly one of the top moments of my year—was the privilege of MC-ing the Sports and Business Lunch alongside Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.

Before taking the stage, I had the incredible opportunity to meet PM Luxon in the Green Room, where we exchanged insights on leadership and the intersection of sports and business.

Meeting iconic All Blacks Sir John Kirwan and Conrad Smith added a surreal layer to the experience—I must admit, I couldn't help but feel like a bit of a fan girl!

Their presence fired me up, infusing my on-stage performance with an extra spark of energy and fun. It was a joy to bring life to the MC script and to see the audience engage with the event's themes in such a vibrant manner.

This adventure has left an indelible mark, reminding me of the power of connections made through shared passions.

Check these posts on Linkedin where I share more about this terrific experience:

Announcing I’ll be MC for this event 

My Secret Recipe for MC Success

The WIN WIN Quote from Sir John Kirwan

A round of thanks yous to NZTE Simon Curran et all

2. Breakfast at Tiffanys

What an enchanting morning I had with friends at the Tiffany exhibition! It was a bejewelled experience, surrounded by the breathtaking creations of Mr. Tiffany himself. As I wandered through the exhibition, each piece seemed to sparkle with its own story.

My personal highlight? Witnessing a Tiffany craftsman delicately setting a large amethyst - the very gem that represents my birth month, February. I couldn't resist gasping in awe, and to my delight, he let me hold the dazzling stone in my hands.

In the midst of my excitement, I managed to snap 177 photos in just two hours - perhaps a record for me! Each click captured the beauty and craftsmanship that defines Tiffany's legacy.

Reflecting on this experience, it felt as indulgent as enjoying too much chocolate—a feast for the eyes and the soul. It reminded me of the timeless allure and artistry that Tiffany embodies, leaving me inspired and totally mesmerised. Until our next sparkling adventure, just some photos to share here today.

3. Jandals in Japan Podcast with Beauden Barrett and Aaron Smith

Repeating this one from last month to make sure eeeeeevryone saw it. One of the most exciting moments last month was interviewing rugby stars Beauden Barrett and Aaron Smith. We chatted about their experiences in Japan, from the cultural respect in Japanese sports to their personal journeys from small-town New Zealand to the international rugby stage. Don’t miss this unique blend of sports, culture, and heartfelt stories!

In this episode, you’ll hear about:

  • How Beauden and Aaron became international rugby players in Japan

  • Differences between life in Tokyo and Nagoya for a rugby lifestyle

  • Advice from their mums and nanas, and their tips for Kiwis considering Japan

  • Their secret talents, favourite conbini treats, and preferred “nihongo”

🔗 Listen on your earbuds
🔗 Watch on YouTube

A new episode will release on July 8th - Subscribe on Apple Podcasts here

4. Dinner with Lawyers on Air in Tokyo

Catching up with past guests of my Lawyer on Air Podcast was another highlight in early June. Monika Oyama was visiting from the US and she had listened to Kaori Oka‘s podcast and got to know each other (I love that!) And so it was that we had dinner at a super lovely French bistro and they received their Lawyer on Air mugs and I took their Mugshot (get it?). I also updated my Podcast tile to my new headshot! I like it.


5. Discovering a Taste of New Zealand

Thanks to New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE), I had the pleasure of attending the Discover a Taste of New Zealand event, where I had the opportunity to connect with six remarkable New Zealand winemakers. Beyond the delightful wines sampled, the highlight for me was the cultural exchange facilitated by the event's interactive elements, like the photo booth that captured moments of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm for New Zealand's rich wine culture.

Each conversation with the winemakers was a testament to their dedication and aspirations for market entry in Japan, reflecting their commitment to fostering international partnerships and expanding their business horizons.

Cheers to them for their resilience and innovation in bringing a taste of New Zealand to Japan!

6. ANZCCJ Executive Council Drinks at the Pullman Hotel: 

At Pullman Tokyo, managed by a fellow Kiwi, Dean Daniels, I joined the ANZCCJ Executive Council for a refreshing after meeting drinkies. Flipping ot an evening instead of a morning meeting of the Executive Council, allowed for us to have a nice chat afterwards, instead of running off to work. 

Accompanied by co-Vice Chair Tim Barnstable, we sampled a delightful Savvy Blanc from Kono while discussing the latest developments in bilateral business relations between Japan and New Zealand (actually we just had a regular old chin wag!).

It was fun to have time out to expand on the collaborative spirit among Kiwis and Aussies and Japanese, reinforcing the importance of cultural exchange and strategic partnerships in driving mutual prosperity.

Gatherings like these underscore the significance of fostering connections that transcend borders and industries and just having a yarn is the best way to get to know people better. 

7. Tokyo Chamber of Commerce & Industry - Japan New Zealand Business Council AGM 2024

Reflecting on my role as the first foreign female member on the Japan side of the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce & Industry - Japan New Zealand Business Council, attending the recent AGM at the Imperial Hotel was a moment of pride and reflection.

Capturing a photo with influential figures like Isono san from Oji Holdings and Ichikawa san from Sumitomo Forestry (Chair of the JNZBC, Japan Committee) highlighted the JNZBC’s commitment to fostering international dialogue and collaboration.

Building on my earlier interactions during Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's visit to Japan in 2022, I am continually inspired by the opportunities to contribute to bilateral business initiatives that strengthen ties between our two nations.

These experiences really do reinforce for me, the value of diversity in leadership and the importance of participating and of inclusive representation in shaping future collaborations and shared successes.

8. Lawyer on Air Podcast Milestone - 20,000 plays

Wow! What an incredible milestone—20,000 plays on the Lawyer on Air Podcast! This journey has been nothing short of remarkable, and I am deeply grateful to each and every listener who has tuned in, supported, and contributed to this success.

From insightful conversations with legal professionals to exploring leadership and empathy in the workplace, and lawyers as effective, value-adding external board members, every episode has been a testament to the power of storytelling and the exchange of ideas.

As I approach another milestone of 100 guests, I am excited to continue this journey of discovery and learning, fueled by the enthusiasm and engagement of our growing community. Thank you for being a part of this podcasting adventure—I can't wait to share more inspiring stories and insights with you all!!

This month I had the privilege of interviewing Toshimi Itakura, whose episode on leading with empathy left a lasting impact.

Tune in to hear about:

  • her journey into the legal department at Sojitz

  • navigating international experiences

  • negotiating pivotal moments in her career

From her role as a section head (課長) to her current position as division head (部長), Toshimi shares insights into her leadership style and the lessons she's learned along the way. Don't miss her top three tips for aspiring professionals seeking to make an impact in their careers.

Closing thoughts …
With the spirit of Matariki guiding me, I close this month with a deep sense of gratitude for the abundance of blessings and opportunities that June brought.

From unforgettable moments at prestigious events to celebrating milestones in my podcasting journey and witnessing the growth of initiatives close to my heart, this month has been a testament to the power of connection, resilience, and shared aspirations. 

For three years, I had the honour of serving as President of Women in Law Japan, leading the group through the challenges of the COVID era and into a new era where now two co-Presidents and a Vice President lead the charge. 

In June, I was appointed to the Advisory Board for WILJ and look forward to continuing my support for this organisation that I deeply care about. 

As I mention at the top of this blog, I recently attended my first Women in Law Japan event, 'Summer Sizzle' not as President but as a proud observer, marvelling at how the seeds I planted during my tenure blossomed into an incredible gathering. 

And so it is with the spirit of Matariki in my heart, and a deep sense of gratitude I close out this blog.

As we transition into a softer July, I look forward to embracing a quieter pace, reflecting on lessons learned, and continuing to nurture relationships that inspire and empower.

Thank you for being a part of this journey—I am excited to see what the future holds as we strive for excellence and meaningful impact together.

See you next month!


Catherine’s Monthly Wrap Up - May 2024