ACCJ Leader of the Year Award awarded to Catherine O'Connell

🗣I am super excited to be a recipient of 💥American Chamber of Commerce in Japan #2020 #Leader of the Year! 💥I have thoroughly loved devoting my time to involvement on the Legal Services & IP Committee, working alongside my cheerful and insightful Co-Chair, and fellow Leader Award winner Scott A. Warren.
✅We have delivered useful content for the membership during #Covid19
✅ We launched the first online networking "Wine Down" series and...
✅ I am especially proud as punch to have been able to shift the needle just a little on the residents re-entry issue through lobbying to the Government of Japan. I did not do that alone; - we did it as a #team - so this Award is for the #teameffort
🎉Congratulations to the other leaders also awarded!🎉

#catherineoconnelllaw #flexiblelawyer #ACCJ #leadership#volunteeringmatters #chamberofcommerce #awards2020


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