Thinking Outside the Lawyer Box 🎁 - Olga V Mack
Olga V. Mack is one powerful influencer in the #legal space. In her post this week "Thinking Outside the Lawyer Box" she says:
"Even among “lawyers” there are scattered gems💎of varieties - different personalities, experiences, & talents. So why not bring that complexity to your life & day-to-day work & enjoy the full spectrum of experiences in the workplace?"
🎯Curious to read more? The link to Olga’s article on LinkedIn is below👇
I'm honored to be quoted in Olga's article:
🗣“I am grateful for the first law firm employer to hire me after my first career in tourism. They could see that would leverage client intake, even though at the time I didn't make that link in my brain myself. I'm also indebted to my second corporate in-house job as a legal department leader, who hired me in Sydney for a job in Tokyo when I had no in-house experience. He saw more potential in me beyond my Japanese language skills. That first in-house job in Japan molded my career of 17+ years here & led me to more & more rich opportunities. These people throughout my career have hired me for who I am, not who I was not, & who they knew I could be. Thank you for Olga's post for reminding me of this amazing group of past employers who are partly responsible for me growing into the law firm business owner I am now.” #lawyers
The original post from Olga is here.